Address: Spišský salaš, Levočská cesta 11, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie
E-Mail: salaš
Phone: +421 53 45441202
GPS: 49.0066331, 20.7295693,17
Wandering around the natural and historic beauty of the Spiš region will make every visitor a little bit tired. The sight of a tastefully laid table and delicious food will delight both the sight and the hungry stomach. This is the reason why many visitors stop at the Spiš Chalet in Spišské Podhradie. It has been next to the main road for decades, and it is very easy to turn from the highway and take a break here.
Food based on traditional Spiš cuisine, prepared with the finest ingredients, can be enjoyed in the traditional interior of the chalet or on the open terraces in the summer.
Over the years, the chalet has become famous for its traditional food and drinks, as well as for organizing various events. In winter, it was a Carnival pig-slaughtering with folk music and cheerful local customs. At other times, different master culinary competitions: Master Piroh and GuľašFest Branisko. In the summer the Spiš Folklore Festival which is organized in the vicinity of the chalet, is one of the oldest popular folklore festivals in Slovakia.
The Spiš chalet is not only a place to eat, but also a place to relax, especially for families with children who can get a glimpse of the beautiful scenery of the Spiš Castle and the Levoča Mountains, freely run through the green grass, or pet small domestic animals.
After a delicious meal, a walk, or a visit of a historic site or a monument will do you good. In the vicinity of the chalet you will find a lot of these:
The largest castle in Central Europe – the Spiš Castle, the Romanesque Cathedral of St. Martin in Spišské Podhradie, a church in Žehra with unique paintings, a restored synagogue in Spišské Podhradie, the nearby geyser Sivá brada, monuments in surrounding communities and in magnificent Levoča.
If you are more interested in nature, be sure to visit the protected reservation Dreveník, which is within easy walking distance from the Spiš Castle. You will not regret a multi-day stay with excellent relaxation services if you arrange it in the Resort Levočská Dolina.
Mesto Kežmarok
Mesto Levoča
Mesto Spišská Belá
Mesto Spišské Podhradie
Obec Červený Kláštor
Obec Malá Franková
Obec Osturňa
Obec Spišské Hanušovce
Obec Veľká Franková
Obec Vrbov
Obec Ždiar
Obec Malý Slavkov
Múzeum Červený Kláštor - CYPRIAN, n.o., Červený Kláštor
Penzión Hanus - IFK&D, Spišské Hanušovce
Bachledka Ski & Sun - IMMOBAU, s.r.o. Bratislava
Penzión Pltník - PIENSPOL TRAVEL, s.r.o. Červený Kláštor
Termálne kúpalisko Vrbov - SALMOTHERM – INVEST, s.r.o. Vrbov
Hotel Hviezdoslav **** - SAMTREID, s.r.o. Kežmarok
Resort Levočská Dolina - Arprog a.s.
Spišský salaš - SUPERMIX, spol s r.o. Levoča
Združenie pltníkov Dunajec, s.r.o. Majere
Hotel Club *** - Janka & Juraj Gantner spol.s.r.o.
Stanislav Škantár Canoeraft Dunajec
Kúpele Červený Kláštor – Smerdžonka - PIENINY RESORT s.r.o.
„Slovenský systém kvality služieb v cestovnom ruchu je inovatívny manažérsky nástroj, ktorý pomáha subjektom pôsobiacim v cestovnom ruchu kontinuálne zvyšovať kvalitu poskytovaných služieb. Jeho ideovým východiskom je osvedčený nemecký systém ServiceQualität Deutschland, ktorého licenciu zakúpilo a pre slovenské podmienky prispôsobilo Ministerstvo dopravy, výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR.“